Good day fine and admirable pro-life minions,
What is a pro-life minion you ask? I first saw the phrase “pro-life minion” in a post post on the “Abortioneers” blog. And what would define one as a pro-life minion? Three questions came to mind.
First, do you personally find abortion disgusting? Few other words properly describe abortion. No one likes to look at abortions or talk about them. That’s why pro-life advocates keep the images on hand and why abortion advocates
become angry when the images are displayed. Personal opposition to abortion is a first important step towards becoming pro-life.
Secondly, do you believe that life begins at conception? There are many reasons to believe this. Many scientists, doctors, philosophers, ethicists, Christians, Muslims, Jews and even atheists believe it. It’s not exactly a religious question after all. It’s an important question and if human life does begin at conception, than we every right and obligation to defend it.
Thirdly, do you want to see abortion go away forever everywhere? It’s one thing to think it and quite another to say it. If abortion is a violation of a child’s right to live, and wrong for one person, that it’s wrong for every person. People have a right and perhaps even an obligation to make a public stand for what they believe is right. That’s why “pro-life minions” publicly challenge the idea that anyone has a legal right to acquire an abortion.
In the original inspiring posting from the “Abortioneers”, an ardent abortion advocate wrote the following:
Somewhere between the man-crazies who are somewhat, simply corralled into one, large lump of woman-haters, Anti-Anti’s sexy antis, the nuns, and the innocent children antis—there perched, is a Lila Rose, and her dozen or so minions, hell-bent on clawing abortion’s eyes out.
The pro-life movement is about one person and one person alone; the unborn person. While Lila Rose has become a prominent voice in the pro-life movement, her presence is but a reminder to the abortion establishment of a long coming defeat. Like American abolitionists who fought slavery, whose views were controversial in their early struggles, a new kind of abolitionist works for the end of abortion in America.
The number of pro-life minions are more than a dozen. We are more than mere numbers in opinion polls. We are the souls and citizens who give abortion advocates migraines. We are people who truthfully would like to see abortion finally and decisively vanish from the landscape of human society. 38 years ago, we were told abortion would be safe and rare. We’ve been told many things about abortion, most untrue. It’s time for an end to the endless lies.
The following was also written about Lila Rose. It’s the sort of rant that many pro-life minions encounter.
However pretty or presidential or conniving or meditating Lila Rose and her blah blah mission to save innocent life may be, if she were walking into any medical arena other than the ever-non-judgmental and accommodating world of reproductive justice, she’d be slapped with the paranoid schizoid label and medicated into a California corner where she could write, unplanned parenthood, all over the walls into eternity.
Non-judgmental? Accommodating? There is no tolerance in these words, or charity for that matter. What I see however, is person immersed in a culture of abortion who’s never been shown real tolerance or charity. The person who believes that abortion is good is simply another victim. We must work for all of abortion’s victims. We must persevere. We must run the race to the finish and never tire or waver. Victory is at hand.
God bless you all, fine pro-life minions,
Brian F. Hudon