According to its website, the group Anti-Racist Action (ARA) is “dedicated to eliminating racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and discrimination against the disabled, the oldest, the youngest, and the most oppressed people.” Given that, you wouldn’t think they’d have much in common with white supremacists. Well, it turns out there’s something they both like.
ARA proudly declares, “We support abortion rights and reproductive freedom.” They aren’t the only ones who feel that way.
“White nationalist” Jared Taylor does too. He wants to see “free abortions” made available.
So does Tom Metzger. The former Klan leader describes abortion as “non-white population control,” advising racists to “invest in ghetto abortion clinics” and “raise money for free abortions.”
Planned Parenthood is America’s largest abortion chain, and they’re ready to accept the help. In 2008, Live Action caught multiple Planned Parenthood officials agreeing to accept donations from people who said they wanted black kids aborted.
Not that it’s anything new: federal funding for Planned Parenthood began under President Richard Nixon, a man who favored aborting mixed race children and described abortion as a way “to control the negro bastards.” Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s founder advocated “race betterment” through “drastic immigration laws.” She also spoke at a Klan rally, something she described on page 366 of her autobiography. Thanks in part to the group Sanger founded, black children are the ones most frequently aborted.
Of course, Planned Parenthood fans aren’t all racists: some are sex offenders. Time and again, Planned Parenthood has helped child predators abuse their victims. Edgar Ramirez understood that, which is why he brought his 13 year-old daughter there after getting her pregnant. Planned Parenthood didn’t go to the authorities despite performing two abortions in less than six months.
They didn’t file a report on Timothy Smith’s 13 year-old stepdaughter either. During a subsequent lawsuit, one staff member admitted that “being thirteen and pregnant alone is not a red flag” there.
Gary Cross’ 13 year-old stepdaughter was ignored as well. So were the victims of Luis Gonzalez-Jose, Andrew King, John Haller, Adam Gault, Grey David Woods, Kevon Walker, and John Blanks, Jr.
It’s not just amateur abusers who get offered a hand at Planned Parenthood; professionals do as well. When Live Action investigators went to a New Jersey Planned Parenthood center while posing as sex traffickers, the facility’s director was willing to arrange abortions on teens who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
Every year, Planned Parenthood gets half a billion dollars in federal funding. Tell Congress that money would be better spent on federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) and community health centers (CHCs) instead. They’re more accessible, and while they don’t provide pimps and racists with abortions, they do perform over five hundred thousand mammograms annually– five hundred thousand more than Planned Parenthood.
After becoming the first black woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, Dr. Mildred Jefferson founded the National Right to Life. Dr. Jefferson understood that abortion destroys “the youngest, and the most oppressed people.” It would be nice if ARA realized it too.