An analysis of annual reports published by Planned Parenthood for the past 14 years has revealed that as government funding for the organization increased, Planned Parenthood’s share of the country’s abortions also increased. Since 2000, Planned Parenthood has performed over four million abortions and received almost $5 billion in federal tax dollars.
Government contributions to Planned Parenthood jumped almost 173 percent between 2000 and 2014. The largest portion of that increase was between 2000 and 2009, when government contributions to Planned Parenthood more than doubled (from $202.7 million to $487.4 million). By 2014, taxpayer funding increased further, to $553.7 million. And as the tax dollars climbed, so did Planned Parenthood’s percentage of overall nationally reported abortions:
According to the Guttmacher Institute, which reports even more comprehensively on abortions than the Centers for Disease Control, 14,528,300 abortions were performed in the U.S. from 2000 to 2011. Using Planned Parenthood’s reported abortion totals for those same years, it appears that overall, 23 percent (.228) of all abortions performed in the U.S. were performed by Planned Parenthood during that time.
However, what truly gives a clearer picture of what’s happening with regard to Planned Parenthood funding and abortion numbers is the steady upward climb of the percentage of the “abortion market” captured by Planned Parenthood. In 2000, Planned Parenthood performed just 15 percent of all abortions and received 30 percent (less than a third) of its funding from the government. By 2011, Planned Parenthood’s percentage of national abortions had more than doubled, with the abortion giant cornering 32 percent of the abortion market and nearly half (45 percent) of its funding coming from the taxpayers. (Let’s just say that these numbers should make it obvious that their “abortion is just 3 percent of what we do” shtick is beyond ridiculous.)
In 2000, when government contributions were at $202.7 million, (less than half of the $553.7 million they received from the government in 2014), Planned Parenthood did far fewer abortions, increasing their percentage of the national abortion totals as tax money poured in over the years.
In 2009, when Planned Parenthood started receiving nearly half its funding from the government, the percentage of total abortions reported nationally decreased everywhere – except for Planned Parenthood.
If Planned Parenthood doesn’t want to be known as an abortion business, it has a funny way of showing it. While Planned Parenthood performed over 4 million abortions over the course of 14 years, the abortion giant’s adoption referrals equated to only 31,950 – less than 1 percent (.00743) of the number of abortions they performed.
In 2009, Planned Parenthood performed almost 29% of those reported to Guttmacher, referring only 977 women for adoption. The next year, they performed 29% of Guttmacher abortion totals and referred only 841 women for adoption.
Abortions to adoption referrals:
2000 – 79.27 to 1
2009 (large percentage increase in government funding) – 340 to 1
2010 – 391 to 1
Average from 2000-2014: 134.54 to 1
But that’s not all.
An analysis performed by Live Action News of other Planned Parenthood “services” reveals that:
- Planned Parenthood breast exams dropped as government funding grew (not mammograms, because they don’t do those).
- Planned Parenthood pap tests also fell in numbers as government funding increased.
- Planned Parenthood prenatal services fell as abortions and government funding increased.
Even more startling, a summary of abortions reported by Planned Parenthood dating back to 1994 shows they performed a whopping 6,636,241 (as of end of 2013).
So much for the idea of being a “women’s health” organization. Planned Parenthood is Abortion Incorporated.
It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood.