Hollywood is mostly an industry that favors abortion. Celebrities flock to fundraisers for abortion corporations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL; writers, actors, and producers are increasingly trying to shoehorn abortion into the mainstream culture. But while they may not always be as vocal, there are pro-life celebrities out there. And one of them, actor Kevin Sorbo, just wrote an op-ed in defense of life — and he didn’t mince his words.
Sorbo, who is best known for playing the title role in the TV fantasy-adventure series “Hercules”, wrote about the experience a friend had when his ex-girlfriend realized she was unexpectedly pregnant. His friend, whom he called Mike, received a call from the ex-girlfriend, whom Sorbo called Kate. Kate wanted Mike to come with her to an abortion facility. After her birth control had failed, she thought abortion was her only choice.
“[S]he did the only logical, sensible thing that our culture forces down our throats – she scheduled an abortion,” Sorbo wrote. “But as the day approached, she was filled with trepidation. Contrary to common knowledge, abortions are surgery, and deadly serious. Kate knew enough to be daunted by the prospect, so she reached out to a friend she trusted not to ‘judge’ her harshly.”
So Kate asked Mike to come with her and hold her hand. But Mike instead asked if they could talk about her decision.
“Mike continued, quietly and with conviction, ‘This child inside your womb is the greatest love story of your life, Kate. Killing it will not solve your problem; it will create an even bigger one’,” Sorbo recounted. “‘I understand you feel a great burden. Bringing a life into the world can be just that, but in removing that life from your body, you will be destroying an opportunity to know love like you have never imagined. So, I beg you not to do this thing. Change your point of view, instead, and see this as the greatest of love stories, one that will be yours for the rest of your life.'”
Kate cried and told him she would think about it; ultimately, she chose life for her baby, who is now an adult, married and with children of his own. The problem, Sorbo argued, is that we have all been sold a lie.
“Secular humanists have made the word abortion sound like a woman’s right, synonymous with health care, female empowerment, standing for women’s issues, a choice, a solution; anything but the truth,” he said. “The truth is, however, abortion is the termination of life. It is just a euphemism for murder because the only reason to get an abortion is to avoid the potential of birth – a human birth.”
Sorbo pointed out that disturbing a sea turtle’s nest or stealing its eggs is a crime that can land someone in prison for years. But abortion is not only legal, it’s been turned into a profitable industry.
“This is the new civil rights cause for our country,” he wrote. “Barely a century after our grave and costly war against slavery, against depriving some human beings of their dignity and based solely on their skin color, we codified into law the right of the citizen to kill her progeny, based solely on its size and location, while unwittingly depriving herself of love that is pure and enduring.”
“This is the definition of evil, pure and simple,” he concluded.
Kevin Sorbo has not been afraid to speak out about the need to protect life; he helped raise money for the “Gosnell” movie, slamming Hollywood and the media for ignoring what he called the “crime of the century” and abortionist Kermit Gosnell “America’s most prolific serial killer.”