Are New Yorkers seeking to eradicate all children from the Big Apple? With a state abortion rate almost double that of the national average, you could be forgiven for thinking so – especially when it turns out that apparently, there aren’t enough abortions being performed already in New York, even with almost half of all pregnancies ending in abortion. While abortion is widespread throughout the state, it’s worst in New York City. And evidently, it isn’t enough for the bureaucrats there, who according to CNS News have decided to launch an official abortion app for teenagers:
The New York City Health Department’s NYC teen website now includes an app that teens can download to their smart phones to get information on “sexual health,” including where they can get birth control and abortions.
The app, under the heading “Important Links and Info,” has three main links – Where to Go; sexual health services, What to Get; condoms and birth control; and What to Expect; at the clinic.
Under the health services link the user can choose what service they want, including Gold Star clinics (those that offer free birth control and other services), emergency contraceptive or Plan B, and abortion.
If the user picks abortion, they can then choose the area in the city where they want to find services. If the user picks Manhattan, for example, they will be directed to three places that perform abortions – Family Planning Clinic, Harlem Hospital; Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Center; and Project Stay – Services to Assist Youth at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
The website also helpfully reminds teens that their parents don’t need to know about the fact that they’ll be undergoing a medical procedure which has the potential to leave their children injured or killed. The website also encourages teens to get birth control, and features a teenage girl named “Samantha,” who has sex with her boyfriend but also wants to have sex with her female best friend.
And why shouldn’t the city of New York encourage teenagers to have sex? It’s, like, totally cool if they do. They can take birth control if they don’t want to get pregnant, because that is just guaranteed to work, right? If not, they can always just go get an abortion. Whatever they do, they shouldn’t keep the baby – Michael Bloomberg evidently hates teenage moms, so if an oopsie happens, best that teens know how to get rid of the problem ASAP.
In all seriousness, does New York really feel that the city needs more abortions? The abortion rate is already horrifically high, but the fact that both the city and state of New York are trying to make it even more widespread must mean that New Yorkers want that number only to climb some more. In New York City, college students turn abortion into a disturbing game, and the morning-after pill is given to high-schoolers like candy. Abortion can’t just be legal; it has to be an everyday occurrence, so common that apparently almost half of all pregnancies being aborted still aren’t enough.
It’s enough to make one wonder: will there come a point when New Yorkers will finally say “enough”? How many babies need to be killed before that number becomes too high? Fifty percent? Seventy-five? Or does New York just need to become a baby-free zone? It seems ludicrous, but where is the tipping point? How pervasive does the culture of death need to become before New Yorkers say stop?