Chances are you know someone who works in an office. It could be a spouse, parent, sibling, friend or even yourself. I think it is pretty safe to say we are all very familiar with offices. Most people would probably think of an office in terms of an administrative office, a legal office, or something along those lines. Something you may think of, however, is an abortion clinic and that might be because it doesn’t make any sense. It is called a clinic, not an office for a reason. Most reasonable people would not fit this into their idea of an office, but the creative minds at Planned Parenthood have. But then again, Planned Parenthood isn’t known for being reasonable.
This bold new definition of an office has caused quite a stir in the city of Auburn Hills, Michigan with Planned Parenthood’s claim that their new building set for construction qualifies as an “office”. The largest abortion provider in the country recently set its sights on the Michigan town but they have been met with local opposition. In a case which will have its hearing on September 7th, Planned Parenthood is fighting their potential neighbors, which include a Comfort Suites Inn and the group, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, over a deed restriction on the property. The deed restriction clearly limits the usage of the property for restaurant, retail or office purposes. Planned Parenthood seems to think this is no problem.
Planned Parenthood is arguing before the local court that their building qualifies as an office by the definitions set out in the local zoning code. As their opposition points out, however, they are clearly mistaken. The local zoning code differentiates between medical offices and other offices when it states that “office buildings for any of the following occupations: executive, administrative, professional, accounting, writing, clerical, stenographic, drafting and sales’ are separate and apart from ‘medical offices and outpatient clinics.” It doesn’t get much clearer than that. But if that was not clear enough, Planned Parenthood’s legal opponents have also pointed out that the purpose of the building has not been disclosed by Planned Parenthood. It is no wonder why Planned Parenthood will not disclose the purpose for the new building; it is not an office.
Common sense and law were never known to stop Planned Parenthood, however, and they are standing firmly on their nonsensical claim that this building with a secret purpose, which is a violation of the deed restriction, is an office. So is it really an office? Common sense says no, the deed says no, the law says no, and their neighbors say no. I think the answer is no.