This past weekend, mothers across the United States were celebrated for the love and devotion they give to their families. But for abortion activists, it was merely another holiday to exploit in their efforts to legalize the mass killing of preborn human beings.
Reproductive Freedom for All (formerly NARAL Pro-Choice America), issued a tweet with an image declaring that all women should be free to decide “if, when and how” to become a mother while wishing followers a Happy Mother’s Day. They also tweeted, “If today feels tough, remember you’re not alone. Whether you’re grappling with loss, navigating a complex relationship, facing infertility, coping with miscarriage, or seeking abortion care, we’re here for you every step of the way” (emphasis added).
Happy #MothersDay to All — no matter who you are or how you do (or don’t) decide to celebrate this year. Just know that we've got your back. 🌸💕
— Reproductive Freedom for All (@reproforall) May 12, 2024
Mini Timmaraju, president of the abortion organization, also tweeted, “All we want for Mother’s Day is Reproductive Freedom! The freedom to decide IF and HOW to become a mother – birth control, IVF, adoption – our choices are OURS to make.” How interesting that Mini didn’t mention abortion in her quote when she easily could have, despite making obvious reference to “reproductive freedom,” which, for the abortion industry, is an obvious focus.
Allison Russo, a pro-abortion political hopeful, also sent out a Mother’s Day tweet, where she advocated for abortion. Physicians for Reproductive Health also tweeted a pro-abortion message, writing, “Moms have abortions. Moms are abortion providers. Moms are amazing caregivers for people of all ages who have abortions, have miscarriages, and have babies. This mother’s day we’re wishing all the moms of every kind peace, safety, and joy.”
The Center for Reproductive Rights also had a Mother’s Day tweet, although theirs was much shorter, reading simply, “Motherhood should be a choice.”
For their part, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris also sent out a Mother’s Day press release, which included a video and a warning that “[d]aughters have fewer rights than their mothers or grandmothers did.” Of course, this is a reference to abortion; VP Harris has even given claimed that a woman’s “most fundamental right” is “the right to make decisions about her body.” Of course, given the fact that she was talking about an Arizona abortion law, she was clearly referencing the ability to kill one’s own preborn children.
Abortion, the intentional act of killing a child while she is still in her mother’s womb, should not be celebrated on any day, but especially not on Mother’s Day — a day dedicated to women who gave life to their children, instead of sentencing them to death.