In the year since Roe v. Wade was overturned, most states have clearly shown whether they are for or against abortion, and Illinois is no different. The state’s pro-abortion legislative supermajority has pushed through extreme pro-abortion legislation over and over again, for years. It is therefore unsurprising that the number of abortions performed in the state has increased by 54% just since last year.
The increase is mainly due to people traveling from out of state for abortions. Most of the states south of Illinois, such as Missouri and Kentucky, have passed protections for nearly all preborn children. Illinois is one of the last Midwest states with liberal abortion laws. The Illinois law still states that abortion is allowed up to “viability,” a vague and arbitrary term. This means that abortions can be committed in Illinois even late in pregnancy. A new abortion business in the state offers abortions up to 24 weeks (six months).
The impact of these factors is evident in the statistics released by Planned Parenthood Illinois. The affiliate reported that the abortions performed after 16 weeks gestation has increased from 8% to 13% over the past year. The number of patients coming from out of state also increased from 7% to 25%.
There are other elements of Illinois law that draw those seeking abortions. One major factor is that the parents of minors receiving abortions do not need to be notified in Illinois. Another is the recently passed bill HB 4664, which provides protection for abortionists from other states — even those who had their licenses revoked.
Many pro-life advocates in Illinois are concerned. Suzanne Moss of Springfield Right to Life said, “Our location is right next door to Planned Parenthood in Springfield and so we do see a lot of cars with out of state license plates.” They continue to fight to save one life at a time.
Tom Brejcha, the president and chief counsel of the Thomas More Society, testified to the commitment of Illinois pro-lifers: “The pro-abortion forces in our nation now seem to cling all the more tenaciously to their shrinking political and legal turf only to reflect the building power and momentum of our pro-life movement. Nowhere is that any more evident than here in our beleaguered State of Illinois, very largely owing to the recent hard work and illustrious achievements of our Illinois Right to Life.”