What I want to say is that being pro-life is selfish. Yes, it is. You were right all along. It’s all about me. The movement to secure the right to life for all human creatures, regardless of sex, level of development, or soi-disant wantedness, is wholly and unabashedly me-centered.
Plainly speaking, it would — does — suck to live in a world in which, if you’re not wanted, your life isn’t worth living. If you’re vulnerable, if you get between someone and his or her pleasure or convenience, if you’re not perfect or healthy or clever, if you’re not immediately useful, sorry – you’ve abrogated the right to make a go at this life thing.
I say it sucks for all for all of us humans who made it out of the womb. But it doubly sucks, to put it mildly, for the 43 million worldwide who don’t make it out (except in bloody gore and pieces) every year. Due to the belief that their lives weren’t worth living, and the laws based on that, they are dismembered, skulls crushed, newly formed limbs vacuumed off. They are forcibly expelled from their mums’ wombs.
It really sucks for them. They don’t even get to complain.
But back to me.
Your laws make me feel like dirt. Your choice creates an atmosphere of fear, inequality, injustice, and all-around bad vibes. Your insistence that killing a child is the lesser of two evils scares me, and it denies me the choice, and the liberty, to freely pursue happiness in the United States of America. Why? Because it changes the basis for the value of human life from inalienable and inherent to subjective — and once subjective, by nature, null.
That’s right: you’ve nullified my right to life. And once you’ve nullified one, you’ve nullified them all. Your own life is no longer guaranteed above or beyond what use you are, or how you affect someone with more power.
Way to set back societal acceptance and liberty a couple centuries.
But I don’t care about you, right? I’m all about me.
Being pro-life is selfish.
Being pro-life, I don’t want to live in a society that bases the right to life on my use, intelligence, or “wantedness” by some other idiot human creature. Being pro-life, and a woman, I don’t want to be told that taking another life is the base right determining my value and equality in society – I am insulted by it. And being pro-life, it sucks to live in a society that gives thousands of people no choice every day, and demands I swallow the cock-and-bull story that life really isn’t worth living –
– because sometimes, apparently, you’re better off dead – or killing.
This is my manifesto of the day. It’s time to abolish the laws that feed this anti-human belief system, and it’s time to give me back my chance at life, liberty, and happiness. It’s time abolish abortion. Abortion kills children. Hurts women. Robs our lives of happiness. Pass it on.