Embrace Grace and Gateway Church in Southlake, TX hosted a baby shower for 52 single girls with crisis pregnancies.
Southlake, Texas – Embrace Grace and Gateway Church hosted one of the largest baby showers for crisis pregnancies thrown by a church!
Hundreds of people within the community came together to bless and honor 52 girls who chose life. The girls, most of them just in their teens, were blown away by the outpouring of love and generosity even as they are in the midst of a scary season in their lives. The guests were touched as well by all of the love given, some with tears in their eyes and barely able to talk. One donor remarked, “I didn’t know it would look and feel like this. I’ve always heard how amazing and life-changing these showers are, but until you’re actually here … until you see all of this … until you look into the eyes of a girl with an unplanned pregnancy, really look, or until you hold a miracle baby in your arms … then it’s just words.”
Embrace Grace is a non-profit formed for the purpose of inspiring the church to love on single and pregnant girls. They have launched a pro-love movement, igniting others to go beyond just being pro-life to be pro-love as well. Churches all around the nation and even in Canada are joining together to make an impact to save not only babies, but mommies, too.
Embrace Grace believes that moms are brave and courageous for choosing life – whether they parent or bless another family with adoption, they should be honored. The Embrace Grace program is a semester-based program teaching about grace and the love of Christ. The semester ends with an amazing shower to bless the baby as well as a Princess Day to bless the mother.
A few thank-yous from the Embrace Grace mothers from the shower:
Thank you so much for all the gifts! I really appreciated everything. I’m so thankful for all you got for Isabella but I’m glad you got me a bible and prayer book for Isabella. Everything was so beautiful. It was such a blessing. – Love Mariah T.
Thank you so much for all the wonderful gifts you gave to me. They mean the world to me and are all going to come in very handy. Thank you for all the time, effort, and money you spent on making my baby shower the absolute best. The gifts were so thoughtful and amazing. I’m so lucky to have gotten the chance to be a part of Embrace Grace. The shower thrown for me and all the other girls, was so spectacular. I’m so lucky to have met all the wonderful girls in this group and make new friends. I know I’m never alone now and if I need help ever, I know I can always turn to God and this support system. I’m so happy I got to be a part of the magic that is Embrace Grace and I hope one day I can be in a position to adopt a girl just like me, and help to create a better life for her and her baby, just like you did for me. – Scarlet
Thank you to everyone who blessed Sadie and I with wonderful things at the baby shower. We will always be so appreciative of all that was done for us, especially all the love and support we have gotten from our Embrace Grace family. Just a few short days after the shower, Sadie decided to make her entrance into the world and has blessed my life in more ways than I could even begin to imagine. She is now 2 weeks old and is loving all of the wonderful gifts she and I were given. Embrace Grace has been an uplifting experience for me in teaching me ways to be the mom I never knew I could be. Single parenting was never something I saw myself doing but the leaders equipped me with the strength to know I could do this. Choosing life, choosing Sadie’s life, was the best thing I could ever do. Your support throughout the pregnancy has been the best gift I could be given. All the love that has been shown to me makes it easier for me to know that I am not doing this alone … I may be parenting alone but I am not doing life alone. Sadie and I will forever be grateful for God putting you in our lives. – Laura Lyon
I would just like to take the time to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for the shower last Friday. It went above and beyond anything I ever expected! I was blown away at the amount of love someone could show to a girl they didn’t even know! Before I got pregnant, I was living a life of rebellion and sin, but God didn’t want that for me. This baby is a testament to God’s love for me, and I feel the same way about Embrace Grace. God put me at the right place at the right time to hear about the group, and I knew right away that he wanted me to be a part of it! I am so thankful! I am learning so much about what God has to say about certain issues in my life and without His guidance I would be lost right now! Words can’t describe how grateful I am for not only the amazing gifts I received but also the love! My family and I are inspired to sponsor a girl next year! – Valley
If you are interested in starting an Embrace Grace at your local church, or to see if there is a group near you, check out Embrace Grace website at www.iEmbraceGrace.com. For more EG stories and testimonials from girls who chose life, pick up A Bump in Life: True Stories of Hope & Courage during an Unplanned Pregnancy at a store near you!