In the movement to restore the life rights for unborn children, some abortion-supporting critics have asked, “Why are pro-lifers focused on Planned Parenthood? Don’t they know Planned Parenthood does many other things besides abortion?”
The truth is that while Planned Parenthood offers other services, they are America’s leading abortion giant. Below we list five reasons why this focus of pro-life advocates is justified if abortion is to be abolished.
1) Planned Parenthood Performs More U.S. Abortions than Anyone Else
Planned Parenthood’s latest records show that they aborted 332,278 unborn children in 2009. This is a record high for them and when compared to the national abortion total of 1,210,000 shows that Planned Parenthood now performs more than 1 in 4 U.S. termination procedures.
2) Planned Parenthood is the Leading Force against Pro-Life Legislation
When popular measures such as parental notification or consent before a minor can abort or informed consent are considered, Planned Parenthood is leading the way in lobbying against them. Planned Parenthood devotes millions and millions of dollars towards political organizing and lobbying to ensure the failure of laws and candidates who respect life. Planned Parenthood led the way in opposing the banning of partial-birth abortion.
3) Planned Parenthood is the Leading Legal Proponent for Abortion on Demand
As North Carolina House Majority Leader Paul Stam said, “If you read abortion case law, half of them are Planned Parenthood suing over something.” From Planned Parenthood v. Casey to legal challenges opposing waiting periods before abortion, clinic health standards, ultrasound before abortion, partial-birth abortion restrictions, and late-term abortion restrictions, the list is never-ending. In short, Planned Parenthood provides much of the legal and financial muscle to deny unborn children even the mildest of protections.
4) Planned Parenthood is a Leading Public Voice against Life
When public debates rise about whether unborn children should have legal protection or what limits on abortion should exist, Planned Parenthood is quick to use their public relations power to ignore and devalue unborn human life. Furthermore Planned Parenthood uses their media voice to smear pro-life advocates, as happened in Florida where the Planned Parenthood Affiliate Director called peaceful pro-life protesters “terrorists.”
5) Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Numbers Are Growing While National Rate Falls
Over the last 10 years abortion at Planned Parenthood has jumped from 182,792 to 332,278, an increase of almost 150,000 terminations a year. During the same period the national abortion rate fell by over 100,000 from 1,314,800 to 1,210,000.
Planned Parenthood is arguably the single most powerful entity in the United States pushing an expanded abortion agenda on the American people. The evidence shows that abortion is not simply another procedure that Planned Parenthood offers but a major focus of their operation. Pro-life advocates are well justified in opposing them.