1) The SLED Defense of Life
This video by Scott Klusendorf is a classic pro-life training video, and one of the best around. Even if you’ve seen it before, get a quick refresher by watching again. Scott demonstrates that there are actually very few differences between you, me, and a preborn baby. None of these differences make it just to take away the baby’s basic right to life.
This video will also enable you to talk a friend or loved one through the basic pro-life position.
2) This is Abortion
Credits for the video and footage here go to the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform and Abort73.com. Be warned that there are graphic images, but know that people are often able to turn a blind eye to injustice until it stares them in the face.
If you believe you may be pro-choice, first be certain you are okay with supporting what abortion really is – not just a medical term, but a real action against a living human being.
3) Putting Your Pro-Life Beliefs into Action
This is a training video (filmed during CPAC in 2010) from Students for Life of America and features a few speakers. It’s well worth your time to be inspired on how to act pro-life, instead of only believing pro-life.
4) Gianna Jessen, Abortion Survivor
While this video isn’t “training” per se, it presents the pro-life message from the perspective of a woman who survived an abortion as a premature baby. Abortion survivors are uniquely equipped to explain the pro-life position from their very personal vantage point.
Gianna lived through a saline solution abortion and was later adopted. Hear her story from her own mouth in 15 minutes.
5) The Case Against Abortion: Prenatal Development
This video, made by Abort73.com, highlights major scientific resources that prove and illustrate the humanity of the preborn child at every stage of pregnancy.
Details about fetal development are key to the abortion debate, as too few people realize exactly what goes on inside the womb. For instance, at only 22 days after fertilization, the baby’s heart is beating. And, at only 40 days or 6 weeks, there are measurable brain waves.