It’s not uncommon to hear people explain that they are pro-life and really want to help stop abortion, but they just don’t know what they can do in their little corner of the world. The truth, however, is that everyone can help to end abortion by participating in varying ways. Here are 10 ways to get started:
1. Educate yourself
Without question, if we want to stop abortion, we have to understand the issue itself. Live Action News can help you understand the complexity of the abortion issue, as well as keep you updated on various developments, laws, and other news. Follow Live Action News here. Also, become educated about abortion itself. Additionally, details non-graphic abortion information, as narrated by a former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, who is now pro-life and helps others understand the truth of abortion.
Know the truth about the abortion industry. Abortion advocates spin their cause to make it seem as if abortion is nothing but a simple medical procedure to which every woman has a right. However, as Live Action has revealed over the years, in addition to the obvious tragedy of annihilating the life of a preborn baby, the abortion industry is also about aiding and abetting sex trafficking, helping child sex abuse thrive, and even helping minors circumvent the law and obtain abortions. (View Live Action’s investigations and body of work here.) Also, become informed on issues such as the fact that abortion is never medically necessary to save the life of the mother, though the abortion industry frequently claims that it is. Know the magnitude of what you’re dealing with so you can be more effective in the effort to help stop abortion.
Finally, get literate on your own fertility! Knowing and tracking your fertility cycle (if you’re a woman) — and teaching others how to do so — can help prevent abortions. After all, many abortions come from someone who gets pregnant when she doesn’t want to be. Teen STAR is a great resource. They have been teaching teens to track their fertility cycles for over 30 years and found in a 2014 study: “Virginity was maintained by 97-99% of participants. 40-50% of previously sexually active females and 30-50% of previously sexually active males discontinued sexual activity.”
When women understand how to work with their own bodies in a natural way to prevent pregnancy when needed — and when men get on board with this — there will be less abortions. Of course, whether pregnancy is intended or not, we need to educate ourselves and others on why abortion is never the answer.
2. Start a pro-life focused group in your community
Pro-lifers are often accused of “only wanting the babies to be born.” Of course, that is false, but one way to help stop abortion is to be actively involved in the fight.
Multiple organizations exist that encourage people to start chapters in their community. From groups like Embrace Grace, which is a ministry to single and pregnant women, to Bound4LIFE, which is a prayer-focused pro-life group, the opportunities are ripe for local outreach.
3. Harness the power of social media
Joining with those who have a notable presence can amplify the messages they send. Here at Live Action News, our message goes worldwide with the click of a button. We have multiple social media platforms with millions of viewers; follow them and share what you see:
- Twitter: Live Action News
- Twitter: Live Action
- Facebook: Live Action
- Facebook: Live Action News
- YouTube
4. Get involved
Joining with those who are on the frontlines of stopping abortion is one of the most effective ways to contribute to the effectiveness of the pro-life movement. Locally, a pregnancy resource center can likely use your help, whether through cash donations, or donating time counseling or buying diapers and baby clothes.
Another way to get involved is by supporting pro-life politicians, not just financially, but by helping to elect them to office. We’ve seen many pro-life laws, such as waiting periods, ultrasound requirements, and fetal pain restrictions help save lives from abortion, and the stronger the law is, the more lives are likely to be saved.
5. Do sidewalk counseling
Organizations such as 40 Days for Life, as well as other groups locally in communities, offer opportunities for sidewalk counseling at abortion facilities. The reality is that compassionate people — not loud protesters who yell at women — stand at these facilities and tell women, “We’ll help you.” They offer women actual hope and resources and can accompany women from abortion facilities to pregnancy resource centers, churches, organizations, or anywhere else they want to go to save the lives of their babies—as well as their own mental health and hope by knowing they did not sacrifice their children’s lives in a moment of crisis.
6. Support adoption
One obvious and powerful answer to abortion is adoption — and the best way to do that is to consider adoption if that’s feasible for you. Little is more powerful than telling a woman with an unplanned pregnancy, “I’ll adopt your baby.”
While adopting may not be realistic for everyone, what is realistic is supporting adoption in some way. Unfortunately, adoption can be costly, and many people would consider adopting if not for the costs involved. You can both donate to people you know of who are adopting or who wish to adopt, or you can give donations to organizations that help people. Places like Zoe’s House Adoption Agency work to make adoptions lower in cost so more people who desire to adopt are able to do so.
7. Build and use a visual pro-life library
The old adage that “a picture is worth a thousand words” holds true when ending abortion. One image can silence opposition, halt debates, and move hearts. A woman considering abortion can have her mind changed with a single image or video. You may be the person to offer her that lifeline. In addition to the many social media resources available through Live Action’s platforms, we also have a Flickr site with access to myriad photographs and memes that you can share at any time, whether by creating your own social media posts, or via email, text, or other electronic methods.

A meme Wonder Woman actress Gal Gadot shared on Instagram January 27, 2017.
One of the most powerful visual libraries might be your own body or car. Live Action has many resources available in the form of t-shirts, bumper stickers, and other practical products that help saturate your sphere of influence with a pro-life message—and that may just lead someone to reach out to you in a moment of crisis.
8. Become a pro-life apologist
It’s much simpler than it may seem to be well versed in the logic and argument of the pro-life movement. Much of the abortion rhetoric is fueled by emotional arguments and fallacies of logic. People support “the right to abortion” without actually understanding what they support. Having an understanding of these issues can win over even the most emotional or intellectual person, fostering a culture of life, and maybe even being that voice that is powerful enough to make the most stubborn of people turn. Multiple resources exist that make this task simple, such as this list of books that every pro-lifer should read this year. All of these works are powerful, tested, and sound.
Even the websites of strong pro-life apologists such as Randy Alcorn can be helpful when time is limited.
9. Use your voice
Speak out in every arena where you have a chance. That may mean more than just reposting social media articles and pictures, but writing updates from your own bank of knowledge and heart on the issue. Putting your views out there in loving ways sends messages to everyone who hears—whether via social media, water cooler discussions, lunch gatherings, or any other occasion—and you become safe for them to approach. Many agree that abortion has been allowed to grow by the silence of people who “don’t want to tell others what to do” or “don’t want to offend.” Being loving and respectful is always good, but being so polite we are afraid to speak out can actually encourage abortion. Someone has to speak out about the other side. The pro-abortion voices are loud and proud. Use your voice to be as loud and proud about saving lives.
10. Arm yourself with resources
Create a file, virtual or hard copy, with resources, a sort of pro-life resource guide for your community. Know in a pinch how to respond to any question or comment you get. Know where exactly you can send (or take) someone who needs alternative resources, such as prenatal care, adoption help, or housing. All of these resources are readily available; however, a woman in crisis wants a quick answer. Sometimes that answer becomes abortion because it stops the panic inside them. But with a well-armed friend who can say, “Wait, I can help you right now — let’s go,” a woman might be willing to listen. She wants answers. Give them to her.
Editor’s Note, 10/16/18: A link to our shop was removed, as the shop has since been updated and the link was no longer valid.