Tell Facebook and Instagram to stop censoring pro-life voices. Sign the petition.
Instagram and Facebook are actively censoring Live Action and suppressing the pro-life message.
Over the last month, Big Tech fact-checkers have targeted Live Action’s accounts, flagging our posts for misinformation and telling our followers that our content “could mislead people.”
The content posted by Live Action simply stated that abortion is not health care and abortion is never medically necessary. Our posts also shared why the abortion pill is dangerous for women—a fact that the FDA has documented and reported on—and deadly for preborn children.
However, these “independent fact-checkers” are trying to discredit Live Action by smearing our public image, slapping our content with labels warning of misinformation, and preventing people from being able to access our content.
This is one of the most serious threats we have ever faced in being able to spread the truth about the killing of preborn children—and we need every pro-life American to take action and fight back with us.
Sign the petition and tell Facebook and Instagram to end pro-life censorship and stop the suppression of pro-life voices.
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